new day in infamy: 9/11

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, when my mom calls me to awaken me from sleep.  She tells me an airplane flew into one of the towers of the world trade center.  She didn’t think much of it, actually calling me to tell me to hurry up and get to class.  Well after the second plane, she was singing a different tune and now insisted I don’t go out anywhere.  She herself was at work and managed to take this picture:

pic taken by my mom @ her work

pic taken by my mom @ her work

It goes without saying that the country will change after something like this.  My friend Dmitri and I were chatting online during the whole thing and we were both in just shock and disbelief when the buildings came crumbling down.  It was surreal, i thought it was some really good special effects.  It’s hard to comprehend how something like this could really be happening.  In fact, this is what I saw with my own eyes:

As seen from my window, 15 miles away.

As seen from my window, 15 miles away.

Well the only positive thing is that in the coming days, everyone feels patriotic and a sense of camaraderie, which is rare in a city as big as new york!


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