Posts Tagged ‘unix’’s been reborn!

After an earlier incident with a badly packaged server, I finally got myself a good-condition Sun Ultra 60 workstation to host on.  Unfortunately since I am leaving NYI, i wanted to host it somewhere else, and my good friend Seth in texas offered to help me out in that regard.  So we’ll no longer be running FreeBSD, instead we’re off to Solaris world (seeing as how my new job will be mostly Solaris work, it’ll be useful to have a testbed for trying stuff out on, plus i’m always up for a good challenge).


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My friend Gene, who is out in Ohio, offered me a server for my own personal use.  This i cannot turn up, I set up FreeBSD on it and now have my own server to do my bidding.  I’ll probably just set up web/email and stuff along those lines on it.  Maybe a Quake game server too at some point.


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