new camera: Canon Digital Rebel

After having owned the PC3100z for the last few years, I feel it’s time to try my hand at something a little more Prosummer kind.  I’ve been drooling over SLR’s for a while, but once I found out they had digital SLR’s, i knew i’d need to get one at some point.  With an unimaginable amount of control over your photography settings, these things can’t be beat.  So i searched around online and found a good deal on one.  I took some test pictures with my new Rebel as well as some photo’s of my camcorder, a Sony TRV-950 (which I bought in 2002).  You can find some comparison pictures in my gallery

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new job: DoITT

My friend Rodrick, who I’ve known since high school, works for the City of New York (aka working for  He heard there were some openings and he got me a job there.  I enjoyed working at NYI for the last four years or so but it’s probably time to move on.  I still will help Erik and Phil out if they need anything but hopefully they won’t abuse that offer of mine.

Funny thing is that the department Rodrick works for, DoITT (Department of Telecommunications & Infrastructure) is right by my old school, Polytechnic University.  So i will be returning to that area quite often now it seems!


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After an earlier incident with a badly packaged server, I finally got myself a good-condition Sun Ultra 60 workstation to host on.  Unfortunately since I am leaving NYI, i wanted to host it somewhere else, and my good friend Seth in texas offered to help me out in that regard.  So we’ll no longer be running FreeBSD, instead we’re off to Solaris world (seeing as how my new job will be mostly Solaris work, it’ll be useful to have a testbed for trying stuff out on, plus i’m always up for a good challenge).


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darwin awards

Came across these pics somewhere on the interwebs.  Figure i’d share, a good collection of some dumb dudes who probably won’t be around for very long at this rate.  Enjoy! :)


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9/11 anniversary

I made it a point to go down to ground zero a few weeks after the dust had settled in 2001.  Now one year has passed, and we are forever changed.  I decided to commemorate this change in any way i could.  So i took some photos from across the river. 

In my gallery, more photos can be found.


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vacation in thailand

After graduating Poly in June, I thought it would be nice to treat myself to a little R&R.  I’ve been accumulating vacation time @ NYI and figure might as well splurge it all at one time.  It wasn’t easy to get the bosses to let me take 6 weeks at once (they really depend on me, at least they used to, fortunately i’m not the only senior engineer there anymore).

So who better to go to a foreign country with than your girlfriend who is from there originally (ok, she was born here but hey she speaks the langauge).  And actually might as well bring her parents too since the know the place like the back of their hands!  So that’s what exactly what I did!  The GF and I didn’t travel together.  I went with her dad a little later (because they went for a full two months, where as I only could go for 6 weeks).  Strange arrangements but it all worked out in the end.

Check out all the pictures here, but for now.. I leave you with some choice ones:


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yummy apple powerbook!

So after a number of years of ignorantly bashing Apple and their supposedly crappy computers (and sadly also steering people away), I’ve decided to take the plunge and immerse myself in the world of Apple!  

What made me decide to give this a try, you ask? My boss Erik showed me his laptop a few weeks ago and I was amazed by how nice it was.  I’ve been wanting a laptop for a while but couldn’t decide what kind of wintel beast to get.  Well he certainly helped make up my mind for me!  I present you his laptop and mine, side by side (mine’s left, also slightly faster G4 667Mhz vs his G4 500Mhz).taleoftwoapples

People who know me probably are in disbelief but the reasons are twofold

  1. Since the inception of Mac OS X (the previous version was Mac OS 9), the underlying o/s is heavily based on FreeBSD, which I usually use at work.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished for a local FreeBSD/Unix environment (besides that I can test stuff on
  2. Learning the new environment will be a fun challenge for me!  I’ve been doing things the Windows way for over a decade now and trying something new should prove to be a breath of fresh air.

I have a feeling I’ll be spending a lot less time using my Windoze computer @ home now.


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mr2 memorabilia

Since I luv my car so much, i figure i’d get some memorabilia to go along with it.  I found most of this stuff on eBay over the course of a few weeks.  And yes, I really have nothing better to spend my money on :P

More stuff can be found in my gallery.


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new camera: PC3100z

So at some point I realized that my first digital camera, an Olympus D460Z wasn’t going to cut it, so I purchased a new camera.  After reading the reviews, I decided to settle on the Epson PhotoPC 3100Z.  It had twice the megapixel and a better optical zoom (which is where it counts, digital zoom isn’t that great), but more importantly, I had quite a bit more control as far as shutter/aperture controls (with priority given to either, or full automatic modes available as well).

The sad thing is I ordered it before Sept 11th and it didn’t arrive until afterwards.  I would have went to town with the new Epson if I only ordered it sooner (or it arrived sooner).

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new day in infamy: 9/11

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, when my mom calls me to awaken me from sleep.  She tells me an airplane flew into one of the towers of the world trade center.  She didn’t think much of it, actually calling me to tell me to hurry up and get to class.  Well after the second plane, she was singing a different tune and now insisted I don’t go out anywhere.  She herself was at work and managed to take this picture:

pic taken by my mom @ her work

pic taken by my mom @ her work

It goes without saying that the country will change after something like this.  My friend Dmitri and I were chatting online during the whole thing and we were both in just shock and disbelief when the buildings came crumbling down.  It was surreal, i thought it was some really good special effects.  It’s hard to comprehend how something like this could really be happening.  In fact, this is what I saw with my own eyes:

As seen from my window, 15 miles away.

As seen from my window, 15 miles away.

Well the only positive thing is that in the coming days, everyone feels patriotic and a sense of camaraderie, which is rare in a city as big as new york!


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