Archive for August, 2007
foray into motorcycling
After Chris, a porter in my building started talking about motorcycles one day, he showed me his red Yamaha YZF-600, i was like.. damn, this is pretty sweet. So I looked into getting the ability to ride my own sometime soon. I went to the DMV during a lunch break at work took the motorcycle permit exam, which cost $21 and really only took me 45 minutes total (including waiting @ the DMV, ugh). After that I took the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) BRC (Basic RiderCourse) course, a two or two and a half day course that lets you skip taking the road test. The road test in NYS for getting a motorcycle license is a real hassle (need to have someone drive the instructor down in your own car and you need someone else to bring the motorcycle there who of course is licensed). I’ve heard of people failing the road test before they even got on the bike because the car had expired registration!
So as of late july, I am a licensed motorcycle driver, errr rider.. and so now I purchased a 2006 Kawasaki Ninja 250 (from a cool fella on craigslist). It’s a fun little bike, great beginners bike and really very nice for the city, where you really can’t go over 100 mph, and I don’t think i’ll want to (at least not the first few months).