Archive for February, 2009

my first trance mix (transcendental dreams)

As much as I loathe anything that begins with “My First” or “My”, I guess the time has come to make one.  I threw together some tracks with my handy dandy xponent mixer-controller.  The mix weighs in at 64 minutes, so it’s CD-able (meaning feel free to burn it onto a CD, if you still use those :)

It’s far from perfect since I am still trying to learn beat matching better (they say it takes months and months of practice), but hopefully you enjoy the track selection.  Some newer tracks, mostly old tho since that’s what i know better.

There’s two versions, one that’s a zip of split up into individual tracks and one long mix (you’ll need to right click (or ctrl-click on the mac) and choose Save As.. if it instead starts playing in your browser).  If you like to skip around the songs you’ll want the former, if you don’t care and always listen to it straight through from beginning to end, the later should suit you fine.


  1. Plastic Boy - Twixt (Original Mix)
  2. Ian Van Dahl - Try (Micheal Woods Remix)
  3. Insigma - Open Your Eyes (Instrumental)
  4. Ayu - Connected (Push Instrumental Dub)
  5. Space Brothers - Heaven Will Come
  6. Deepstar - Pacific
  7. Rusch & Murray - Epic
  8. Robert Nickson - Close Your Eyes (Vocal Mix)
  9. Rising Star - Clear Blue Moon
  10. Tilt - The World Doesn’t Know
  11. DT8 - Destination (Instrumental)
  12. Oceanlab - Sky Falls Down (AvB Mix)
  13. Plastix - Release

I spent a ridiculous amount of time on this trying to make it as perfect as I can (at my early stage DJ’ing), so hopefully it doesn’t suck too bad :) If you like trance, check it out!

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parking snafu resolved

i got the best news i heard in a long time.  it came in the form of a voicemail. and the source? my building’s management company. seems they now have a parking spot specifically for my motorcycle within the building’s garage!

so why is this blog worthy? a little background info is necessary to explain why this has made my day.  see back when i purchased my first bike, i tried to park it in my car’s spot (along with my car) since the spot is plenty big for both vehicles, but when they found out about this, they weren’t happy.  i normally pay $110/month for my car’s spot but it seemed asinine i couldn’t fully use it.  so after my first bike got knocked over being street parked (as easy as it is to find parking), i could not have that with my new bike, so i vowed to park my car on the street.  what’s worse, my spot is subsidized by the building’s management office since the garage is leased out (and they normally charge like $350 for a car), so the garage company wanted to charge me $160 for a spot a fraction of the size of the one i pay for my car.  Fortunately, my building came through and got me a spot for $50.. yipee!

well street parking in my area is a ginormous pain in the ass, so knowing i don’t have to park my car in the street anymore, it seems

  • no more getting 8 parking tickets in one month,
  • no more getting towed (twice),
  • no more having my car get disgustingly dirty on a regular basis,
  • no more hesitating whether i should go somewhere by car because i’m giving up a valuable parking spot
  • no more worrying about whether the cold weather will mean my car will have trouble starting, and best of all,
  • no more circling around the block for an hour or so trying to find a spot that isn’t too far (esp now that it’s winter).  

i swear, if i wasn’t sick at the moment, i would have hugged my building manager, he had to settle for a hardy handshake instead but i think he wasn’t too disappointed.

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