After graduating Poly in June, I thought it would be nice to treat myself to a little R&R. I’ve been accumulating vacation time @ NYI and figure might as well splurge it all at one time. It wasn’t easy to get the bosses to let me take 6 weeks at once (they really depend on me, at least they used to, fortunately i’m not the only senior engineer there anymore).
So who better to go to a foreign country with than your girlfriend who is from there originally (ok, she was born here but hey she speaks the langauge). And actually might as well bring her parents too since the know the place like the back of their hands! So that’s what exactly what I did! The GF and I didn’t travel together. I went with her dad a little later (because they went for a full two months, where as I only could go for 6 weeks). Strange arrangements but it all worked out in the end.
Check out all the pictures here, but for now.. I leave you with some choice ones:
Tags: travel